Going Overseas? How Shipping Your Car Can Help

Regardless of your reason for moving, relocating overseas can be stressful. The thought of uprooting your life and moving to a new location can feel overwhelming. It would help to consider what to leave behind and what to carry with you. If you are planning to be away for a long time, you might consider shipping your car. Car shipping companies make this option possible. If you are going overseas, find out how shipping your car can help. 

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Photo by Sigmund on Unsplash

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Benefits of Shipping Your Car

If you are a frequent traveller to different countries, you probably know how confusing it can be to take public transportation. Moving from place to place while carrying luggage can be inconvenient and an added hassle if there is a language barrier. There are places where public transit is almost non-existent, so having your vehicle can make it easy to go where and when you want to. Buying a new car overseas can be expensive, making it an option that is not accessible to most people.

Shipping your car is cost-efficient and can make planning your trip and finding accommodation much more manageable. Remember that before shipping the car, you must transport it to one of the major seaports. Think about issues like the cost of the vehicle versus buying a new one, its sentimental value, and the duration of your stay.

How to Get Your Car Shipped

There are crucial factors to consider when you ship your car overseas. It would help to choose how you want to transport the vehicle and how much you want to pay. Shipping your car overseas can involve a truck, plane, or ship. Truck transportation only works when a bridge connects the two countries. Air freight is expensive and may not be practical for most people. That leaves ship or ocean transport. This is a convenient and budget-friendly option, especially if you use a shared container. 

Consider the Country You Are Going 

When planning to ship your car, you need to consider where you are going. Even crossing the borders in Europe, different countries have different regulations, and you need to do your research before making the final decision. Some countries have rules about the type of cars they allow to get in. It would be best if you determined the transportation mode and the best shipping method for you. The two main options are container shipping and roll-on/roll-off (RORO). RORO shipping is usually cheaper, but container shipping has more advantages if you plan to ship additional belongings. 

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Getting the Documentation 

You will need to find the documentation required when shipping a car overseas. Some documentation includes registration, title, bill of sale, and insurance documents. You will need an inspection form from a certified mechanic showing that your vehicle is in good condition without hidden damage. Submit the documentation to the proper authorities before you get the necessary shipping permits. Consider bringing an extended car warranty to deal with issues such as saltwater damage.

Black car with GPS
Photo by Brock Wegner on Unsplash

Prepare Your Car for Shipping

After taking care of the paperwork, you must prepare your car for shipping. Preparation includes ensuring the vehicle is clean and in good condition inside and out. Remove all personal belongings, including any aftermarket accessories. Keep the gas tank less than half full for safety reasons. It will help prevent leaking during transit. Ensure that all the tires have air. You need to cover the car using a shrink wrap or tarp to protect it from the elements during shipping. You can find a cover designed specifically for shipping vehicles.

Choosing the Shipping Company

With all the different car shipping companies around, it is a good idea to make the right choice. You can ensure that your vehicle is in safe hands by choosing a reputable shipping company. It will help give you peace of mind knowing you are dealing with trusted professionals. Do your research and ask around for recommendations. Get quotes from several companies, and ensure you read reviews to give you an idea of what to expect. When you find a company you are happy with, you can begin the shipping arrangements. You will need the proper documentation to start the process.

Get Insurance for Your Car

Reputable car shipping companies have appropriate insurance, but you may need additional coverage. When you decide to ship your car, make sure you insure it for extra protection during transport. Insurance will help protect you if damage occurs during shipping. Shop around for the best insurance policy, and make sure you read the fine print before you sign. Different policies offer different coverage options. Some may only cover weather or accidental damage, while others include theft coverage.

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Tracking Your Car

When you ship your car overseas, you can track it to find out when it will arrive at the destination. Car shipping companies provide a tracking number that will allow you to access information from the carrier’s website. If you have concerns or questions, you can contact the company directly. The company will let you know when the car arrives at the destination and when it is ready for pickup and delivery. The shipping company will handle the details and help coordinate a convenient pickup time and location.

Consider the Time Factor

If you decide to ship your car overseas, you must plan. Give yourself time, and remember that the process is different from shipping a package. You do not have the option of next-day delivery. Overseas deliveries have different schedules, but it can take up to two months before you see your car. To avoid disappointment, start planning early and book your transport months in advance. Tracking your car while it is in transit will help with your planning. Depending on the regulations in the country you are going to, you may be able to ship some belongings in the car.

Working With Trained Professionals

Getting your car to another country is not challenging if you use trained professionals. You can find a transporter to ensure your car gets to the intended destination. To comply with the host country, you should prepare your car and documentation accordingly. Do not hesitate to seek clarification for any pertinent details. You can contact the embassy of the country you are visiting to find out about their import policies. Find out if they have digital documentation. Keep track of all the information and your documentation regarding the shipping.

Whether you are moving overseas for education, work, or love, you can bring your car with you. Shipping companies make it possible to ship your vehicle overseas, whether the move is permanent or temporary. The shipping company will take care of many crucial details, but you must do your part. It is necessary to find out your role in the complex process. If you enjoy the comfort of driving your car, shipping is a good option for you. Choosing the right company will ensure that everything goes smoothly and your car gets to you safely.

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